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Introducing Socket.IO

Version 2.8

adaptor:ex was always in a close relationship with Socket.IO. It allows the server and editor to talk in both directions in addition to the one way RESTful API. Socket.IO is also a key element in the machina eX Games Life Goes On and Intranet. For Intranet we took a more general approach for the implementation of Socket.IO. We polished it a bit, are happy with the result and don't want to keep it for ourselves.

The new Socket.IO Plugin allows you to send and receive messages to and from your Website or WebAPP and organize your game using Socket.IO namespaces and rooms.

We also made some subtle but useful changes to the editor ⬇️

  • When developing Intranet it turned out that when you are working with about 1500 Audiofiles it helps to not show them all at once in the MEDIA Toolbar. There is a tree view now that lets you open and close directories 🙌
  • You can use right click 🖱️ to open the context menu of States and Actions. And there is a new context menu for the Stage that allows to create an empty State or paste Actions from clipboard.
  • Working with (bigger) collections was made more convenient. There is a new "view only" option and edit, delete and view buttons are fixed to the left. Also the max height when inspecting a collection is limited to 5 Elements.

Right click to open context menu on an action then copy, then right click on the stage and paste

Version 2.8. in a tidy list:

  • Added new Socket.IO Plugin
  • Made Iterate action reset if it has ended before. Iteration will restart next time the state is triggered.
  • "one word" variable content will be replaced if you drop media paths or variables
  • Collections max height view is 5 elements
  • Collection edit, delete and view buttons are fixed to the left
  • Added view whole collection document option
  • Added media tree view for folder structures
  • Don't empty cache on paste when copying Actions
  • Added right click context menu for the stage, states and actions
  • Added copy button to read only form fields
  • Several minor bug fixes and improvements
