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Javascript Functions

Javascript functions extend the possibilities of an adaptor:ex game by the complete range of the script programming language Javascript. Some functions are already included in the adaptor:ex server installation. It is also possible to create and integrate your own functions.

Add Functions

Like files and media files, functions are stored in the adaptor:ex data folder  games in the respective game folder.

Create one or more javascript files ( .js ) in your game's folder functions containing your functions.

├── games
|   ├── Playground
│       ├── files
│       ├── functions
│           ├── myfunctions.js
├── log
├── nedb
├── config.json

Directory depth

Functions within the functions folder are registered in a maximum of one level directory depth. That means you can, for example, use subfolders to clone the functions of a git repository, but all .js files that export functions you may want to use, must be at the top level of this subfolder.

The files are loaded into your game as nodejs modules . So you need to make your functions available to adaptor:ex using module.exports

async function playerCount(args, {session, game}) {
    all_player = await game.db.players.find({})

    return all_player.length

function reverse(args, {session, game}) {
    let reversed = args[0].split("").reverse().join("")
    return reversed

module.exports = {

If you copy these lines into a new file with the .js extension and move them to the functions folder in your game, you can access two new functions "reverse" and "playerCount" in your game.

You can add as many functions as you want in one file or split the functions across multiple files. The file names are arbitrary and play no role.

Call Functions

You can use functions both in the independent Function action and in all form fields that allow variables as input.

The Function action

With the logic function action you can call functions, use their return value and trigger next states based on their output. Here you can find out more about the action: Function

Functions as Variables

Specify the function name enclosed in two square brackets ( [[ and ]] ), prepended by functions, in an action setting that accepts variable input.

The function name is supplemented by an open and a closed bracket (). Arguments can also be specified here, separated by a comma ( , ), to pass them to the function.

Example of a function as a variable:


Within the function, "hello" and "world" are passed as an array :

function test(args, {session, game}) {
  session.log("1. " + args[0]) // 1. hello
  session.log("2. " args[1]) // 2. world

The return value of the function is inserted at the point at which the function is placed.

You can also find all the functions of your game in the VARIABLES TOOLBAR from where you can drag them into the respective action.

Search for 'functions in VARIABLES and drag and drop them onto the action form field


Use the "playerCount" function created above in a Switch action.

Function as a variable in the switch action

If the number of items in the players collection is greater than 10, the next state Party continues. Otherwise NetflixAndChill will be triggered.

Write functions


This chapter is far from complete. Contact us if you have any questions at or on the machina commons discord server

You can use all functions of the Nodejs Javascript Runtime.

To add external libraries that are not included with adaptor:ex, install them globally or in the functions folder of your game so that they are placed inside a node_modules folder in the functions directory.

All the parameters passed by the level session are included in the first argument.

The second argument always contains variables and functions from the adaptor:ex game and session context.

async function playerCount(args, context) {
    all_player = await{})

    return all_player.length

function reverse(args, {session, game}) {
    let reversed = args[0].split("").reverse().join("")
    return reversed

module.exports = {

args contains the transfer parameters specified in the level. A number of parameters must be passed as an array .


"args" is always an array when the function is called as variable. Therefore it is recommended to always treat "args" as an array. This way you can use the function in any context.

context is an Object that contains session and game.

context.session contains functions and variables related to the session that called the function. contains functions and variables related to the game in which the session that called the function is running.

You also have access to the global variable adaptor that contains functions and variables related to the adaptor:ex server hosting the game with the corresponding session.

We will try to explain the various functions and variables here as soon as possible.

Embedded Functions

Adaptor:ex ships with some functions that can be used as shown in Call Functions


Return arguments the way they came in. Use it to find out how functions work.

Returns: array - the arguments that came in

Arguments - Can be anything


[[functions.test("some value", 3)]]

will return the following array: ["some value", 3]

Assign the test function return value to a variable with Set variable and log the two array entries with Log Message.

Set action with test function Log action with test function return value

The Log will show: First Argument was some text. Second Argument was 3.


Get a random Integer value. Provide maximum only to get a number between 0 (inclusive) and max. Provide min and max argument to get a number between min (inclusive) and max (inclusive)

When used with Function Action, if you provide no arguments but one or more next states, random will randomly output to one of the next outlets with an even chance for each.

Returns: integer | next state - A random integer value or, if applicable, triggers one of the specified next states randomly.


# Type Name Description
0 integer Min/Max With two arguments this is the minimum value. With one argument only, this is the maximum value with a minimum of 0
1 integer Max Maximum value

Inline Example

[[functions.random(5, 10)]]
Outputs an integer number between 5 and 10.

Use it as timeout value in the Timeout Action and wait for an uncertain amount of time.

Timeout action with random timeout range between 5 and 10 seconds

Function Action Example

Add a Function Action to the stage and click on Settings. Deselect arguments and select the next option.

Use next in function action

Add two or more Next State entries.

Add Next states o random function

When run, the action will randomly select one of the given Next States and trigger it.

Live Editor View with Random function triggers


Get the date that lies a certain amount of time past or future of some other date.

The original Date is in ISO Time Format. You can use "now" to set it to the current date and time.

The offset argument is formatted "HH:MM:SS" for example: "1:00" add 1 minute or "-23:30:00" subtract 23 and half an hour.

Returns: date string - A date that lies a certain amount of time before or after the original date.


# Type Name Description
0 date string Original Date The Date that is to be added or subtracted from
1 time string Time Offset The amount of time to add or subtract from the original date


Outputs the date value 2023-06-22T12:15 which is 15 minutes after 2023/06/22 12 o`clock.


Outputs the date value 2023-12-22T11:30 which is 2 days and 30 minutes before 2023/06/22 12 o`clock.


Outputs the date and time value 30 seconds from the current date and time.


Convert an ISO Formatted Date and Time string into another kind of date and or time format string.

Uses the common javascript Intl.DateTimeFormat to convert date and time.

You can pass an open amount of any of the formatting options Intl.DateTimeFormat allows. Define options as a two part string separated by a whitespace. The parameter value comes first, the parameter name comes second, e.g. "short weekday". Each option is provided as separate argument.

Pass a locale indicator as last argument to set the date and or time locale. E.g. "de-DE" for german or "en-GB" for British english locale.

Returns: string - A formatted date and or time.


# Type Name Description
0 date string Date The ISO Date that is to be formatted. Use "now" to provide the current Date and Time.
1 - n string Options Add one or more formatting options. Make sure the locale option is the last function argument.


[[functions.dateTimeFormat("2023-06-22","short date","en-US")]]
Becomes 06/22/23.

[[functions.dateTimeFormat("2023-06-22T17:35:12.345","weekday","hour","minute","1 secondDigits","de")]]
Becomes Donnerstag, 17:35:12,3.

[[functions.dateTimeFormat("now","long month","fr")]]
Will become the current month in french language, e.g. during March that would be mars.


Get the value of an element in an array or string at a specific index position.

Returns: The value at given index


# Type Name Description
0 array Array The Array or String where to find element at index
1 number Index The index number


  • string

    Returns the 4th character in Thundercloud and that would be n.

  • array

Create an array using the Set Variable action.

Set Variable

  "variable": "inventory",S
  "value": "[\"rope\",\"bottle\",\"pen\"]",
  "multiple": true

Set action with array value

Use the array as first argument in your atIndex function to get the respective element.

Log Message

  "level": "info",
  "message": "Second Item in your inventory is [[functions.atIndex(inventory,1)]]"

Log action with atIndex function


Get the number of elements inside an array or the number of characters in a string.

Returns number - The number of characters or elements


# Type Name Description
0 array Array The Array or String to get the length from


  • string

    Returns 12

  • array

    Returns 3 given the inventory array defined in the atIndex example.