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Installation and Updates

There are three installation options to choose from:

  1. Install via NPM Package Manager

    With the NPM Package Manager you can easily install adaptor:ex from the command line on any common operating system and run it as an NPM application.

    We recommend the Installation via NPM Package Manager if you want to use adaptor:ex locally on your computer or in an internal network.

    A local installation allows you to use the ports on your computer. E.g. the serial port via USB or a sound card.

  2. Install with DOCKER

    Especially for a server installation we recommend the Install in a Docker Container.

    You can use our Docker Compose file to create a comprehensive and stable setup with independent server and client application and MongoDB integration.

    The Server Setup tutorial will help you install adaptor:ex with Docker and Docker Compose on an external server, secure it, and make it accessible to everyone working on your project.

  3. Install from SOURCE

    Download the adaptor:ex source code and use NPM to install and run the server application and client independently.

    An install from source allows you to make changes to the software. We recommend installing from source if you want to customize some code or contribute to the development of adaptor:ex.


Command Line Terminal

To install adaptor:ex you currently have to use the command line of your operating system.

Under macOS search for the program "Terminal".

Under Linux you can open the terminal with the key combination Ctrl+Alt+T

Under windows search for the application "command prompt", "command line" or "cmd".


The adaptor:ex server application offers several ways to customize your installation. The Readme of the adaptor:Ex server code repository describes all configuration options.

Some functions of the adaptor:ex server can also be controlled from the command line: Commands

Multi User Server Setup

Take a look at the Server Setup tutorial to install adaptor:ex with Docker and Docker Compose on an external server. Here you can also find out how to secure internet access to adaptor:ex and make it accessible to everyone working on your project.


We will frequently fix bugs, improve things (hopefully) and add new features in the future. Update via NPM or Docker every now and then to stay up to date.

Latest updates and changes will be posted in our News Blog and on our Discord Channel.

Get help

Contact us if you are having trouble installing adaptor:ex. Write us at or check out our Discord channel.

Install with NPM

Before you can proceed with the installation of adaptor:ex, you need the latest version of NodeJS. You can find the necessary installation files for your operating system here.

Once you have installed NodeJS, open your console or terminal and run the installation from the command line with npm

sudo npm install -g adaptorex --unsafe-perm
npm install -g adaptorex --unsafe-perm

If the installation was successful, start adaptor:ex with the command


You can find ways to configure adaptor:ex in the adaptor:ex server readme

To stop adaptor:ex server use the key combination



or type quit and hit Enter in the command line.

Updates with NPM

Update to the latest version of adaptor:ex with

sudo npm install -g adaptorex --unsafe-perm
npm install -g adaptorex --unsafe-perm

You can always check wether a new version is available using

sudo npm outdated -g
npm outdated -g

Installing with Docker

Download Docker for your operating system and follow the installation instructions at

Create a new folder where you want to install adaptor:ex.

Open your command line, change to the adaptor:ex directory with the cd command and download the adaptor:ex docker-compose file:

curl -o docker-compose.yml

Download the config file for the adaptor:ex client:

curl -o adaptor_client_config.json

Execute the Docker Compose file:

docker compose up -d

adaptor:ex server, client, database and plugin extensions are downloaded and installed.

If you want to access adaptor:ex from a remote location, you must specify the external URL or IP of the adaptor server application in adaptor_client_config.json. In http://localhost:8081/api, replace "localhost" with the IP of the machine on which you have set up the docker container, or with the URL of your server or machine.

For a save setup on a remote server we recommend following the Server Setup tutorial.

In the adaptor:ex server readme you can learn more about the configuration of adaptor:ex.

Updates with Docker

To update the adaptor:ex Docker installation change to the adaptor:ex directory. There execute the following commands:

docker compose pull


docker compose up -d

Installing from Source with NPM

Before you can proceed with the installation of adaptor:ex, you need the latest version of NodeJS. You can find the necessary installations files for your operating system here.

Get adaptor:ex server and client:


Clone the current GitLab repository of the adaptor:ex server via:

git clone

Or download here:


Clone the current GitLab repository of the adaptor:ex client via:

git clone

or download here:

Now you can install the server and the client locally with NPM.

In the terminal (console) change to the directory where you have loaded or cloned the server or client.

cd adaptor_ex_server/


cd adaptor_ex_client/

and run the following command in both directories:

npm install

If the installation was successful, start the adaptor:ex server in the corresponding directory with the command

npm run start

Before you start the client in a separate command line, you must specify the address the server can be reached on. In the adaptor_ex_client/public directory open config.json and change the value for API_URL. If server and client are running on the same computer with default settings, that would be http://localhost:8081/api.

  "API_URL": "http://localhost:8081/api",
  "_COMMENT_LOG_STORE": "Set 'true' to print every store action and mutation",
  "LOG_STORE": false,
  "_COMMENT_LOG_SOCKET": "Set 'true' to print every socket message",
  "LOG_SOCKET": true,
  "LOG_SOCKET": false,
  "_COMMENT_LOG_LEVEL_APP": "Set select wicht toast notifications to show. Can be 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error'.",
  "LOG_LEVEL_APP": "debug"

Then start the adaptor:ex client in the appropriate directory with

npm run dev

Updates with git

Download the latest version of adaptor:ex server and client by updating the git repository in the respective directory with the following command

git pull

Restart the adaptor server and client.