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adaptor:ex helps you to create interactive performances, theater games, installations, chatbot adventures or escape rooms. The graphical programming interface is optimized to bring dramaturgy and game mechanics together and arrange them in a visually concise way.

Screenshot: Create and edit Live Games in adaptor:ex

You can make quick adjustments during rehearsals, monitor and control the live flow during tests and live shows.

Screenshot: Monitoring and controlling the flow of an adaptor:ex Game

The adaptor:ex editor is opened in your web browser, and you can edit the same game with several people at the same time.

Screenshot: Collaborate with multiple users

Plugins extend the capabilities of your adaptor:ex setup. So you can connect many different software interfaces and devices in one game or story. Besides basic interfaces like HTTP, OSC and USB Serial, adaptor:ex install includes Plugins for Telegram, Twilio, MQTT and Ableton Live.

On these pages you will find out more about how to use adaptor:ex to connect and control your storyline, game mechanics, software and hardware.

Follow the Getting Started guide and try out adaptor:ex right now.

adaptor:ex is a web application that you install and host yourself on your computer or a server. Under Installation you will find the different ways to set up the application.

Start with a Tutorial if you want to get to know one of the many ways you can use adaptor:ex.

In the Glossary you find information about all basic modules and Plugins. The elements of the Editor and the control layer for your Live Show are described here.

This is a machina commons project by

machina eX

sponsored by

Logo Senate Department for Culture and Europe Berlin

Senate Department for Culture and Europe Berlin