Added MQTT and Telegram Bots
Version 2.2
This piece of software looks promising you might say, but It's worth nothing because it does not support MQTT, meh.
Stop, don't walk away! Make an update instead. adaptor:ex has MQTT now!
Version 2.2
This piece of software looks promising you might say, but It's worth nothing because it does not support MQTT, meh.
Stop, don't walk away! Make an update instead. adaptor:ex has MQTT now!
Diese Inszenierung, die den rassistischen Brandanschlag von Solingen im Jahr 1993 zum Thema macht, nutzt AdaptorEx und Telegram, um durch die Stadt zu leiten, Medieninhalte zu senden und zur Reflexion anzuregen. Es erwartet euch eine außergewöhnliche und berührende Theatererfahrung.
Besonderer Dank geht an @lassemarburg und @gauguerilla für ihre tatkräftige Unterstützung.
Version 2.1
Did you also wonder why you need to place an On Incoming Message action at the beginning of your telegram chat level? It's because it catches and handles the initial message that started the new session. But why does it still do that if I already responded with a plain and simple Send Message 🤨? Well, it does not anymore
adaptor:ex Version 2.1.0 comes with some bug fixes and a slight change to the "Default Level" behavior for messenger listeners.
Version 2.0
Hello everyone! A new version of adaptor:ex is ready to be installed 💫 💾
Version 2.0.0 contains many changes we made during the development of Life Goes On. Some of these things made our own lives much easier already. It seems like a good a idea to use your own software if you want to fix it... 🦥
Also, to make it worth a new major version number, we added several changes that seemed important to us (and that will break most existing games 😬 , sorrrry!! See below!)
machina eX' neuestes Theater Game (jetzt auch für zuhause) komplett gebaut in adaptor:ex: